Compassion: Crystals for the Seventh Starpoint

Seventh Starpoint Crystal: Amethyst

Seventh Starpoint: Compassion

The Amethyst is a spiritual gem steeped in lore and legend. It is one of the Twelve Gems of the Breastplate of the High Priest, and it is the stone in the ring of a Catholic Bishop, hence “the Bishop’s Stone.” The deep purple color of the Amethyst presents an atmosphere of pious calm and it is the stone of spirituality and contentment.

It is the traditional birthstone of February and is known as the healer crystal for people and animals. It is the traditional stone of St Valentine’s Day and is a perfect gift on that occasion. Amethyst is one of the most popular crystals and is a key crystal for many crystal users.

Amethyst is a wonderful talisman for use in the creative arts. If you paint, draw, sculpt, write, or create in any way, keep a nice amethyst crystal or crystal cluster in the area to focus and amplify the creative elements of the Universal Life Force. Amethyst is also a well-known healer that has profound effects in balancing the crown chakra. If you are feeling out of sorts, blocked, and mentally clumsy, try a short session with amethyst, you will likely find yourself refreshed, alert, and back in control. Also, Amethyst is the traditional birthstone of those born in February, and it is the stone of Thursday, “Thor’s Stone.”